OUR Healer Ms Pooja Malhotra is a certified tapping and cord cutting coach.

About EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping, is a popular form of alternative therapy that involves tapping on certain meridian points (similar to acupuncture but without needles) on the body while focusing on a specific emotion or issue. The technique is based on the belief that negative emotions and physical pain can be relieved by tapping on certain points on the body and reciting specific affirmations.

EFT is often used as a treatment for a variety of conditions, including anxiety, depression, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is believed that the tapping helps to balance the body’s energy systems and release negative emotions, allowing the individual to feel more relaxed and at ease.

Tapping helps releases anything that may be causing any discomfort , it could be as simple as loosing weight.

Gentle Tapping on key points on your body sends calming signals to the brain, letting it know that it is safe to relax. It helps to turn down the brain’s stress response so that you can let go of your stress and find more balance, calm, and ease as you move forward


Cord cutting

Cord-cutting ritual is an energy work that one uses to release energetic ties or cords that bind people, situations, or emotions. The cords can represent negative patterns, attachments, or unhealthy relationships that are holding us back and affecting our well-being.

Here are some situations in which a cord-cutting ritual may be helpful:

* Ending a relationship: When a person is ending a romantic relationship, a cord-cutting ritual can be helpful in releasing the energetic ties that may still be holding them to their former partner. This can promote emotional healing and help individuals move on from the relationship.
* Letting go of negative emotions: A cord-cutting ritual can also be helpful when a person is struggling with negative emotions such as anger, resentment, or jealousy. By releasing the energetic cords that bind them to these emotions, individuals can let go of the negative energy and promote emotional healing.
* Breaking negative patterns: If a person is stuck in negative patterns such as self-sabotage, addiction, or negative self-talk, a cord-cutting ritual can be helpful in releasing the energetic ties that keep them trapped in these patterns. This can promote personal growth and development.
* Releasing past traumas: If a person is dealing with past traumas such as abuse or neglect, a cord-cutting ritual can be helpful in releasing the energetic ties that may still be holding them to the past. This can promote emotional healing and help individuals move forward with greater emotional and spiritual freedom.

This modality works purely on intention that a person sets before the process so it is therefore very important to be clear and set your desired intention

In general, a cord-cutting ritual can be helpful whenever a person is feeling stuck or trapped in negative patterns, relationships, or emotions. It is important to approach the ritual with intention and respect.

Energy Exchange
Rs.5000/- for 3 sessions for each modality

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