Have you ever wondered whether your marriage is doing well or not? Whether the equation is healthy and enriching for both you as well as your partner? The success of your marriage isn’t easy to measure. There is no fixed parameter or syllabus to give marks. So, how do you assess your marriage and work together on having a happy, healthy conjugal life?
Most people do not understand the determining factors of a healthy marriage. Their idea of a happy marriage is vague. They do not try getting the factors right until the situation deteriorates, until the marriage is headed for a divorce. However, if a couple treads upon with care and respect since the beginning and works on having a healthy equation since the first day, such grave situations can be completely avoided. You need not wait for things to turn bad, and just like you have routine health check-ups, you can also have a check-up on your marriage right now by having a marital coaching session.
So, how do you check whether your marriage is right on track or not?
Assess the happiness of both the partners
Mainstream media has conditioned us into believing that a happy marriage is one where you are happy. It does not take into account whether your partner is happy or not. Hence, it is important to ask yourself as well as your partner both, whether you two are happy with each other and the other factors like your extended family, work-life balance etc.
Examine if the marriage is beyond daily rituals
A lot of people believe that marriage is about paying bills together, being there for each other’s medical appointments, and making shopping lists together. And while these daily activities are important, it is also important to spend quality time together. Check whether you two only co-exist or also spend time together as partners.
See whether you two are together in tough times
While the dating and courtship periods are smooth-sailing, the real tests happen when couples face challenges together. While it is easy to be beside each other in the happy days, the real task is to support each other during the tough times. Check whether your partner supports you in distress and vice versa.
Consider whether your marriage is only about achieving goals
Marriage does bring stability. It helps people tick off bucket-lists. However, a lot of people make a show and not a journey out of their marriage. And while it is great to have houses and cars and vacations together, and accomplishing things together is beautiful, do pause and ask yourself whether you two are also happy internally.
These little assessments are not hectic, but help you assess your marriage better. Yes, communicating about them might be an issue. This is where Metaanoi comes in. At Metaanoi’s Marriage Coaching, we help you and your partner talk about these challenges, not only head-to-head but also heart-to-heart. We help you and your partner reflect and think and understand each other better because, at Metaanoi, we not only believe in mending broken things, we also believe in beautifying the existing equation.